first layer
second layer
third layer
A long time ago (approximatively 1 month), in a country where the weather really,
really sucks...

A boy named Andrea lost all hope, he wanted to learn about coding. But he had a hard time finding something so he abandonned the idea and started to search for a job.

While searching he heard about "BeCode" a 6 month training where he could finally do something he really likes. So he went on BeCode's website to fill the incription form. After a couple days waiting for an awnser, he received an email telling him that he was on a "waiting list" and once again hopeless he started again his researches for a job. Until the day after he received another email telling him that he was accepted.

He started on May the 2nd, he met a lot of nice people, and was really happy about that training. In a couple of weeks he learned more than he never thought he would. But we'll know more about that later...